September 12/13 Update - Have a great weekend!

Welcome students and families! It has been an exciting start to grade 4. Students have already adjusted to routines, and are working hard in the classroom. Below are some of the highlights from our first two weeks of school:

"We are learning about Alberta!" - MO

"We are learning about Simple Machines in Science" - FB

"We learned about congruent and similar shapes" - MW

"We learned the French Alphabet" - MA

"We wrote a writing piece for fun about if Kids Ruled the World!" -KD

"We created a personal coat of arms!" CG (check these on our bulletin board)

"We are trying out new dodge ball games in gym" TK

"We began literacy stations: poem, post office, handwriting, nonfiction, buddy reading, and typing!" FA

"We did some name art in handwriting" -MH

"We made Alberta license plate name tags for our coat hooks" -AH

"We wrote 'I am' statements about who we are in grade 4" RS

"We labeled a map of Canada in social studies" AD

"We started our classroom novel 'City of Ember'!" SC

"We learned about Alberta's Flag" MS

"We learned about lines of symmetry in math!" IB

"We learned about shapes!" AS

"We did some name art" ZH

"We played outside a lot and Opera is coming to the school." SA

"We are practicing for the Opera in music" JF

On Friday students will complete some symmetry art and we will have our Welcome to Opera Assembly!

Next week we will begin learning about 3-D shapes in math. We will continue our study of Alberta by learning about the geographical regions. Students will also start learning about different simple machines.

Thanks so much for reading our first post!

:) ROOM 225


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