November 25

Today we began typing our opinion writing pieces and doing final feedback conferences. We reviewed rounding to the nearest thousand, hundred, and tens place in math and completed a greater than/less than pre-assessment. We also read a math story of how the first abacus was created and used in Ancient China.

In social studies students began to research the Parkland Region of Alberta using textbooks in groups of 3. We will continue this research tomorrow. 

For word work we focused on -R controlled a/e vowel patterns words with -ar, -are, -air, & -ear. 

We shared our toy box project ideas and continued to work on our project plans. 

A special thank you to all of the families that contributed to my account! We have a raised a total of $105 that will be used to purchase engaging activities to challenge, support, and personalize learning!

* Please see our previous supplies wishlist of recyclable materials to support our building devices project :) Students are encouraged to bring in a plastic bag or cloth bag to house their materials for the duration of the project.


Movember Friday - Wear a Mustache or Draw one on your hand! We are collecting donations as a school that will be donated to the Movember cause.


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